This is dedicated to my Late Brother Schon Jomel................
Here I am, All Alone
No One to talk to
No One to be with,
It´s like I´m a bird,
Sitting on top of a tree
Hoping, that someone will come
And share some seeds,
But no one comes,
And I am still
All Alone..................
By Langston Crawford.........................
I know, the scholars are like ¨"Who´s Langston Crawford? I´ve never heard of him!" And it´s true, you´ve never!!!! This is a poem that I believe came about because my brother decided to pay homage to my gift as a poet so he came up with this one day as we keyed keed about anything. As I sit here in Ibiza, I know for a fact that right about now, I would have called him to recite this because of the way I feel. But the thought here right now, is enough for mee to not feel so alone. I wish my brother was here in this realm, but I do feel him. I feel his spirit. I wish I could talk to him right now, I have so many questions that I need answers to!!! And he wouldn´t answer them for Mee, but he would give Mee his honest opinion about what he thought, based on his love for Mee...........What more could a sister want?
I miss you Brother!!! You are always in my heart, thank you for all the days that you did pick up the phone and recite this with Mee................
I will Always Love You.................
peace in this duality of a universe created to refect the oppsites as One there is wet and dry silence and noise or music..they is company companionship and aloness..we are never alone appearence here are illusions perceptions here make or break just like attitutude is related to spirit and spirit is unseen but seen in action you are a medium of honesty a vessal for time a vehecle for a time a garment that must be shed to join all the ones we see no more but are always there..never alone beautil poem great expression..peace